
Growing Up In The Garden...

This week - 25th May to 2nd June - is National Children's Gardening Week! Do your little ones love getting into the garden? We’ve noticed that kids in our neighbourhood, given the chance, are often eager to discover the delights of growing things - everything from tomatoes, courgettes, tatties and peas, to strawberries, raspberries and apples. Discovering different types of herbs and planting flowers are also popular pastimes. And it’s no wonder. Research shows that connecting with the natural world is great for a child’s physical and mental health.  And, learning how to grow your own food is an amazing life skill. In fact, we think a garden is the ultimate school of life!
Planting the seeds of what will hopefully grow into a lifelong passion for gardening is a real privilege and pleasure. Even if you only have a tiny outdoor space, or very little time on your hands, the Soil and Surf team can can help you create a garden that will encourage the whole family to flourish! Learn more at :)

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