
Chelsea Flower Show? The Driftwood Garden...

Chelsea Flower Show? Nope - it's our driftwood garden in Pittenweem.

Inspired? Soil and Surf can bring creative gardening and coastal living home to you.

gardener + grower - no need to get your hands dirty, we take care of general maintenance, mowing, rotavating, growing your fruit and vegetables, whatever you need to bring your recreational or kitchen garden to life.

beachcomber + maker - experience outdoor entertaining in your own garden, featuring our functional and stylish weather-proof furniture and ornamental driftwood. we create one-off pieces, handmade from reclaimed and beachcombed materials.

fisherman + seafood specialist - source lobster and crab, straight off local boats.  A licensed buyer and seller of shellfish, with 30+ years fishing experience, he can also share his expertise and enthusiasm at demonstrations to educate, encourage and excite the palate.

Discover more at or call our creative captain, Jim Knox on 07921 586 590